Directory of computer security policies:
policy content, documentation, and
methods to ensure effective delivery.

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Computer Security Policies - Contents and Delivery!

Computer security policies are the foundation, the bottom line, of information security within an organization. As such, it is well worth considering a few questions with respect to them:

This directory is intended to help you ensure that you can answer these questions positively and confidently. It provides expert guidance and offers solutions to ensure that you not only have complete policies, but that they are delivered effectively and professionally to all concerned via a unique set of tools.




The first issue to consider revolves around the content and structure of the policies themselves: Are they complete? Are they fully up to date? Do they reflect your needs?

If in doubt - stop there! Distribution of inappropriate policies can cause significant problems.

Fortunately, you can now procure a comprehensive and up to date set of computer security policies off the shelf. These can also be tailored to meet specific or individual needs, and are shipped in various formats.

Having a set of quality security policies is the first big step... but the next challenge to consider is how to deliver them!

Comprehensive Security Policies - Download      Computer Security Policies - Purchasing


The most direct method of delivering computer security policies is via the users desktop. This carries many benefits, including:

  • Instant availability for the user
  • Familiar navigation interface.. using Windows, search facilities, etc
  • The potential to use the power of a PC to make the experience richer and more productive for the user
SOS (Security Online Support) utilises all these benefits and is designed specifically to ensure efficient delivery of security policies. It also embraces the actual policies described in the last segment. It effectively brings the policies to life!.

Interactive Information Security Policies - Download      Interactive Information Security Policies - Purchasing




It is seldom recognised that behind quality security policies is a dedicated security professional supporting them. This is an extremely demanding role.

Because, like any other profession, the job is made easier via the provision of the right supporting tools, we are pleased to provide a unique offering: The Computer Security Professionals's Desktop Guide.

This provides comprehensive support.... containing a wealth of useful information and guidence. It is rapidly becoming the defacto guide to security management.

Again, we are delighted to offer a downloadable trial copy.... with full confidence that you will find it to be an invaluable aid.

Security Officers Interactive Guide - Download      Security Officers Interactive Guide - Download


  • This presentation gives a detailed overview of this unique offering.
  • A comprehensive set of top quality security policies can be downloaded for evaluation from here
  • Download the evaluation version of SOS (Security Online Support) to see how your policies can be brought to life
  • An evaluation/demo copy of the Security Professional's Support Tool can be downloaded from here.... with full confidence that you will find it to be an invaluable aid.

We hope that this directory has been of substantial use. If you need any further assistance, or have any comments on this portal, please do not hesitate to contact us




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